现在招聘! 探索SMS设备的职业生涯. 观点的机会

全国最大的彩票平台 marks 15 years serving 阿尔伯塔省’s roadbuilding 和 heavy construction industry


In 2008, three Canadian heavy equipment companies joined forces to bring multiple industry segments under one roof. 通过合并,SMS设备有限公司. 出生. 结合120多年的经验, the company set out to serve customers 更多的 effectively 和 efficiently with its new, 罗姆尼, 全面的提供.

现在, as the company celebrates its 15th anniversary, 全国最大的彩票平台 is recognized as one of the top heavy equipment dealers in the country 和 the largest independent 小松 全球经销商. It is a one-stop equipment solution provider for the construction, 道路建设, 矿业和林业, 提供先进的数码科技, product support 和 state-of-the-art equipment from manufacturer partners including BOMAG, 竹内, 氮磷钾, 《全国最大的彩票平台》更多的.

“Our founders saw an opportunity to serve customers differently,大卫·利普托特说, General Manager of Strategic Accounts at 全国最大的彩票平台. “通过结合品类专业知识, 创新的理念和地域, we could better reflect how our customers worked across industries 和 specialties.”

“As we celebrate 全国最大的彩票平台’s 15th anniversary, we 继续 to adapt to our customers’ needs,他补充道. “Our partners in the roadbuilding 和 heavy construction industry have unique 和 diverse business goals. We’re the value-added partner to help meet them.”


成为增值合作伙伴的关键, 指出Liptrot, is offering a broad range of products 和 services to meet customers’ unique needs. 对于SMS设备,这些包括:

  • Reliable equipment that can withst和 the harshest conditions, 是否新, 再制造或租用;
  • Technology solutions that can centralize critical tasks 和 improve the bottom line, 如机器控制和远程信息处理;
  • Customized equipment management service 和 maintenance programs that maximize uptime;
  • On-site field services performed by certified heavy equipment technicians who are trained on all the latest equipment;
  • Hybrid 和 electric-powered equipment options that help customers meet their decarbonization goals; 和,
  • Flexible financing 和 rent-to-purchase solutions that ensure both customers’ budget needs are supported.

Staying ahead of the innovation curve has also proven a key to 全国最大的彩票平台’s success.

“Our partners have developed incredible technology in smart construction, 自主操作, 远程信息处理, 机队管理和操作员意识,Liptrot说。. “Advanced solutions are available to support the growing industry need for remote solutions, 数据分析和脱碳. 而这仅仅是个开始.”


Fulfilling a vision to be the number one equipment 和 solutions provider isn’t just about the tools 和 technology – it’s also about the people.

总部设在艾奇逊, 阿尔伯塔省, 全国最大的彩票平台员工2人以上,600 associates across 40+ locations in Canada, 阿拉斯加和蒙古. 发现, hiring 和 retaining skilled workers across that geographic footprint – especially in a labour shortage – is critical.

“With a group of diversely experienced employees, 包括1个以上,500 industry-certified 和 skilled tradespersons, 全国最大的彩票平台’s success depends on the employees at every level of the company,Liptrot说。. “Our people-first leadership philosophy supports our strong company culture, approach to developing talent from within 和, 最终, 我们的员工.”

企业的安全价值观, 尊重, 表演, authenticity 和 innovation form the foundation for 全国最大的彩票平台’s operations.

“我们互相关心, 没有例外,Liptrot补充道。, noting the company’s robust health 和 safety culture 和 protocols.

Building 和 maintaining teams in a labour shortage also takes a bit of creativity – a challenge that 全国最大的彩票平台 has faced head-on. Drawing from their experience of working with polytechnic schools to promote careers in the trades, last fall the company partnered with Keyano College 和 the Fort McMurray First Nation to create the Heavy Equipment Technician Pre-Employment Program. This unique model supports cohorts of heavy equipment technicians through their apprenticeship program 和 into their first years of employment, creating a funnel for skilled labour for the region while directly benefiting the community’s economy.


Whether aiming to be an employer of choice or a supply partner of choice, Liptrot notes that active involvement in the local business community is key.

“Our membership with the 阿尔伯塔省 路builders & Heavy 建设 Association has been invaluable,” he says. “We’ve built a diverse set of contacts, customers 和 partners. We 继续 to learn about industry trends, safety protocols 和 更多的. The Equipment Rental Rate Guide 和 Membership Listing has also been a great resource for us both connecting with like-minded businesses 和 directing leads our way.”

“Any anniversary gives us an opportunity to look back while looking ahead,” concludes Liptrot. “We look forward to the next 15 years of partnering with our industry colleagues to make roadbuilding 和 heavy construction 更多的 efficient, 更有成效, 更可持续,更有利可图.”
In coordination with our partners, 全国最大的彩票平台 has several new promotions on now.

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